Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A brand new year, A brand new start, A brand new challenge!

A brand new year, start blogging again. Already thousand n thousand year never update this blog..... hahaha.....

A new challenge is coming, PUTRAJAYA NIGHT MARATHON.... this is so called my "virgin" run.... 21km... this is a new and very tough challenge for me. 3 more weeks to go, but i still haven't really start my training... arggg.... hectic! Actually i don't set any target, AT LEAST i can finish 21km... that's enough for me. How many hours i can finish it? 3.30 hours? 4? 5?

Swimming and jogging also partial of my marathon training, means i need to push more harder n harder include my usual weight training.... WTH!!! Focus more n build up before CNY (another gaining fat festival)... hahahah.....

Weekdays = Weights Training + Cardio Classes + Jogging
Saturday = Off or Cardio Classes
Sunday = Jogging + Swimming

Harshly workout month, January.... GO GO GO!!!